






  • src:全局表达式,或者路径名.如果要解析多个文件,要为每个匹配的文件创建一个构造,包含*,**
  • use: 要安装的npm模块
  • config: 可包含传递给构造器的任意元数据的对象.

@vercel/python: 使用vercel提供的Python版本

@vercel/static: 预设的构建和部署插件,专门用于处理静态网站.使用这个选项可以自动化构造,优化部署,简化配置.

  "builds": [{
    "src": "", // 你的源代码目录
    "use": "@vercel/python", // 使用 Vercel 提供的 Flask 部署插件
    "config": {
      "command": "flask build", // 部署时执行的命令,用于构建和静态化应用
      "env": {
        "FLASK_APP": "", // 你的Flask应用主文件
        "FLASK_ENV": "production" // 运行环境,这里设置为生产环境


定义如何处理传入的 URL

src: A PCRE-compatible regular expression that matches each incoming pathname (excluding querystring).
methods: A set of HTTP method types. If no method is provided, requests with any HTTP method will be a candidate for the route.
dest: A destination pathname or full URL, including querystring, with the ability to embed capture groups as $1, $2…
headers: A set of headers to apply for responses.
status: A status code to respond with. Can be used in tandem with Location: header to implement redirects.
continue: A boolean to change matching behavior. If true, routing will continue even when the src is matched.
has: An optional array of has objects with the type, key and value properties. Used for conditional path matching based on the presence of specified properties
missing: An optional array of missing objects with the type, key and value properties. Used for conditional path matching based on the absence of specified properties
"routes": [
        "src": "/(.*)",
        "dest": ""

文章作者: 文彦
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 文彦 !